Hi, again friends…and welcome to a few more glimpses at my life.

Some of you already know I had a 38-yr. flying career which was a perfect gift from God because I loved people and loved to travel… and still do. The long career was the “stability” in my life. I was a Flight Attendant but, back in 1965 when I started, we were called Stewardesses, sometimes “Stews.” The main job requirements were: single ladies, ages 21-27, no glasses, a certain weight and height, 4 yrs. of college or two years of public contact work.  I qualified, was hired and I was very excited about my future.  I worked for a small airline; all employees knew each other well. We were like family.

Airports and Airlines were so different then.  During that era, the public, referred to us as the “Coffee, tea, or me?” group.  Checking in did not involve going through any security, imagine that? Also, there were no passenger bridges or jet ways and people could smoke on the entire aircraft. Many books were written about those fun-flying days.

Although flying was the bright side of my life, there was an ominous dark side. As much as I enjoyed my work and functioned OK, I was wearing a mask.  You see, I was smiling on the outside but crying on the inside, and I didn’t know why I was so unhappy and felt so alone. I also wasn’t aware that I had unusual anxiety, anger spells or depression. My firm belief was, “That’s just how life is.”  I had no hope things could ever change for me. But, God had different plans for me.

I finally got an answer to why I was sooo unhappy at age 50, when I was diagnosed with Child Abuse PTSD-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I was in shock, and I felt like it was all happening right then. To make my long story short, I went to a therapist who advised that I had to face the pain of my childhood, in order to release it and feel better.  The other choice was continuing life down an unhappy, destructive path.  I didn’t have anything to lose and I was “willing” to go for it!

After a couple of years healing work I realized how my attitude had changed and how much better I was feeling.  It hit me big time that I desired to pass on the good news and help other sufferers. I began to talk and write about my experiences and proclaim: NO ONE HAS TO ACCEPT A SUFFERING LIFE…pain happens but continual suffering is a choice.

I just love to talk about my transformation. The old Bettina lived mostly in fear, didn’t trust others, and lived feeling alone & unhappy in her heart. The new happier Bettina “Sparkles” has found peace and lives a spiritual life. I’d like you to envision me as a dear relative or friend who you can trust, tell your problem, reach out to for help, and know you’ll receive support, understanding and love.

OVERCOME THE STIGMA of -PTSD- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Hi friends.

Let’s get over “what other people think about us” as we cope with life and search for happiness.  Victims of trauma must put “Stigma” on the backburner to heal.  It’s important for us to acknowledge our struggles, process them, so we can move on and live in peace.

Not so long ago actions and reactions were cause for us to be labeled “crazies” and material for mental institutions.  Even during my career I worried that if the company found out much about my mental turbulence, I would get fired.   But, there’s been a big shift!

Thankfully, The Mental Health Community has acknowledged PTSD, as a mental disorder which requires urgent care.  Professionals agree that if feelings of traumas are not expressed and let go within a year, PTSD may develop.

People who experience any kind of TRAUMA- such as bullying, accidents, shootings, natural disasters, death, severe physical illnesses, divorces, rape, abortions, and loss of houses, child abuse, terrorism or war-MUST DEAL WITH THE EVENT IMMEDIATELY- NO MATTER WHAT THE CAUSE.

Right afterwards, we must acknowledge that something horrific happened to us and that our reactions are normal. We may be in shock, scream, and cry IT’S ALL OK.  It’s important to talk to friends or professional and express our feelings.

Please know that if we don’t release hurtful feelings within 1 year, PTSD develops.  We start to have a very negative outlook about ourselves, our life and the world, in general.  This is no way to live.

Why let “Stigma” go?  It is to save our lives.  When we find our struggles are so unbearable we must find help. Here’s a glimpse of my life, of how I suffered and what finally worked for me.

On the outside, I wore a “Smiley Mask” and seemed to function OK in life and my beloved flight attendant career. On the inside I suffered from “unaware” Child Abuse PTSD until age 50.  All my life I felt inner chaos, fear of people, unworthy, unwanted and unloved, all alone, helpless and hopeless. I began “Looking for Love in all the wrong places,” outside of me and medicated the pain with alcohol.

During that dark time I got divorced and felt like a total failure.  I placed blame on everyone but me.  I even blamed God and put “the punishing God” on the backburner for 20 years.  The action made life even more miserable.

I’ll never forget how my dear friend, Linda, came to the rescue and caused me to have a “wake-up call” when I was 45.  She knew I didn’t have a relationship with God.  Hesitantly, she told me that she was once in the same place as I was.  She said, “A friend gave me a Daily Prayer booklet which changed my life, and now I’d like to do the same for you.”

Linda stuck a daily devotional pamphlet into my purse.  She suggested I read one page a day. I did.  Every day I was infused with hope and love.  I did this for 5 years and made many life-style changes.

Most importantly my mind was opened to an all-loving God.  When I had Child Abuse Recall God helped me seek a therapist and face the pain of my childhood.  PTSD Recovery deepened my spiritual journey for the last 30 years.

Set Your PTSD Free and live in Harmony!


This Blog is to honor my PTSD HERO:  Michele Rosenthal  Award-Nominated Author, Speaker, Post-Trauma CoachFounder,  www.HealMyPTSD.com;  Radio Host, CHANGING DIRECTION;  Author,  BEFORE THE WORLD INTRUDED: Conquering the Past and Creating the Future

Hi dear Readers. I am Bettina “Sparkles” and I desire that my writings can play a small part in the prevention of Child Abuse as well as help others to turn their lives around SOONER than I did.  Fifty years I was NOT “aware” of living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder-PTSD.  Many false ideas and beliefs (FIBS) caused me to carry burdens of anger, depression, resentment, insecurity, failed relationships and many other fears.  I was unhappy and thought “that’s the way life is.” 

Not true!  We’re all empowered to heal mental, emotional, and spiritual struggles, right here and right now. I turned my life around and you can, too!

I open my heart to you in my first book, FLYING WITH GOD, Putting on a Happy Face. The memoir reveals two trauma whammies, first, growing up in Germany during WWII, and second, being abused by a family member.  All unexpressed hurtful feelings were forgotten and buried deep inside the bunker of my mind.

Yet, wearing a happy facade, I was able to function in life, explore America, my new home, and serve with pride in my “stewardess” profession of 38 years.  No one knew that all the time I  was smiling on the outside, I was actually miserable and crying on the inside.

FLYING WITH GOD is an easy read, revealing airline scoop about “the early days of flying.” It’s a personal as well as historical perspective which can be enjoyed by old and new flyers, people of all ages, and even potential flight attendants.  Vintage photos are included.

I was also guided to write another book, SET YOUR PTSD FREE, 7 Effective Ways to Heal Trauma. The mini self-help book starts with a short narrative of my Child Abuse Recall which led to diagnosis of PTSD and moves on with the sequence of recovery processes  and tools which worked for me.   

As I learned to heal conflicting, self-defeating thoughts in my mind, I grew in spiritual understanding.  The healing gave me a sense of “who” I am and “why” I am here, and has given me inner peace and appreciation for life. I am more content now than I have ever been before and wouldn’t change any of the ups and downs of my entire life.

In SET YOUR PTSD FREE, you’ll note my drastic transformation, which I’d like to pass on with my articles, blogs, books and mentoring.  I’m most grateful that I recovered from my old wounds, and that I can write about my pain of the past “without hurting anymore.”  



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